Да действительно проблемы какие-то с доступом к файлам в 6-м андроиде.
На виртуалке у меня не видно директорий.
Это вот для любопытных - как гугл издевается над программистами:
Android had a lot of changes as to how to handle the SD-card and storage in general:
API 3 - you get all access, no permission needed
API 4-15 - you need to use WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, and you get all access.
API 16-18 - if you wish only to read, use READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
API 19-20 - you can't read or write to secondary external storage (SD-card), unless your app is a system app, or you have root.
API 21-22 - in order to access the SD-card, you need to ask the user for permission, and use the DocumentFile API instead of the File API. This raied a lot of questions, as I've written about here, here and here.
Starting with API 23 (Android 6), things seem to change yet again...
The problem
For API 23, there are at least 2 things that are new and are storage-related :
"Adoptable Storage Devices" - The user can optionally make the SD-card as something that's like the primary external storage.
As part of the new permissions mechanism (requesting permissions at runtime), it seems that storage is also a permission the user needs to confirm. This is for both READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Since there is no Android 6 device out there that has SD-card, and because the emulator itself doesn't really have the ability to use an SD-card, it's still impossible to know what's going on.
Это основная причина, почему сохраненки хранятся там где хранятся. И почему не у всех видны флешки. Бороться с этим частично можно, но очень осторожно иначе еще куча падений на ровном месте... На API 19-20 маразм достиг верха критинизма, потом немного расслабился, но опять крепчает с новой силой...